Book 79 - The Very Hungry Caterpillar #100daysofbooks (verdict: classic)

Day 79 and the story that perhaps everyone knows, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I've got nothing against this book. It has a predictable progression and ending, but it's such a classic, woven into my childhood history that I can't possibly see it objectively. But, as Master A's dad asked, why is it so popular? Someone told me that schools use it to teach days of the week and counting, which I can see. It has an appealing simplicity. And it seems to have it's own line of merchandising these days, which makes me think that if you're around long enough, people will do things like that. But I don't think I would reach for it as a go-to story myself. I don't think I actually particularly like the artwork, though there's something nostalgic about it.

Master A's verdict: Seemed interested in the tiny pages.


  • Title: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Author/Illustrator: Eric Carle
  • Source: In home library
  • Publisher: Puffin

What's on tomorrow? Another library pick.