Book 65 - Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? #100daysofbooks (verdict: for the truck-crazy kid)

Day 65. Not just diggers but all kinds of heavy machinery's nighttime habits are explored in Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? This has the same kind of idea as Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site but the execution isn't quite as good, I feel. Some of the rhymes were awfully strained, and the rhythm was difficult to read for some reason - I made a mash of many of the lines, even though they all seem to be the same four-line structure. Still, many of the pages in this library copy were ripped and taped back together again, which I always think is a sign of a well-loved book, and I think I could get it down better in another reading. The interior shot gives you an idea of one of the worst rhymes, but also the page that made me snigger a bit. This one is no doubt a hit with any small people who love trucks and anything else that runs on diesel.

Master A's verdict: Sat sweet and attentive, despite my quite horrible reading.


  • Title: Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night?
  • Author/Illustrator: Brianna Caplan Sayers / Christian Slade
  • Source: Borrowed from local library
  • Publisher: Random House

What's on tomorrow? Tiddalik!